Wednesday, June 17, 2020

American Exceptionalism

I'm getting tired of reading about America's "systemic racism." A very strong argument can be made that ours is one of the least racist countries on the planet.

Can you name another first world country which has had a freely elected leader whose visible racial identity was not that of the country's majority population. I cannot think of even one.

Third world countries sometimes elect a high status citizen who is of European stock, when most of the locals are not. This happens in Latin America and, rarely, in the Caribbean; almost never in developed, first world countries.

So tell me again, how is it that the U.S. is more racist than other countries? I don't see it. Racism is not an American peculiarity, it is a human characteristic found around the globe.

There is no harm in wishing humans didn't exhibit racism, or in asking them to suppress it, but it isn't going away. Can you force it out of existence? I doubt that very much. As noted the other day, it is a "default setting" in humans, probably 'hardwired' in our DNA.