Thursday, June 18, 2020

Societal Disintegration

The Washington Free Beacon reports NY Governor Andrew Cuomo said the following to NPR interviewers.
What the community is now saying, all across this nation, ‘We don’t want this type of police force.’ And if they don’t want it, they shouldn’t have it.
And the article continues:
Cuomo also signed an executive order requiring local governments to redesign their police departments "based on community input."

Cuomo told NPR he believes more must be done to address police brutality, and that the country is undergoing a "fundamental redefinition" of what Americans want from their police forces.
If each community has the police it chooses, the next step is the failure to enforce state and Federal laws with which "the community" doesn't agree. And perhaps enforcing local laws (e.g., sharia, talmudic) which could not withstand constitutional scrutiny.

We have already taken steps in this direction with the declaration of cities as sanctuaries. Their local police may not enforce or even cooperate with immigration enforcement.

The French have confronted a similar dilemma in their Muslim suburbs or banlieues. These have become police "no go" zones where there is almost no police presence and French law is basically inoperative.

What Cuomo is demanding, whether or not he realizes it, is some variant of banlieue weirdness. Most laws of any consequence are state-wide, if not Federal. Uniform enforcement of these across the entire jurisdiction is the minimum condition for equality before the law.