Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Police Job Attitudes

A trade publication for police, Calibre Press, surveyed 10,000 working LEOs about their job satisfaction and whether they would recommend their children follow them into the profession. Their answers were as bleak as you might expect.

For example, roughly 80% would not recommend their children work in law enforcement. Asked if they would go into police work if they could start over, 38.3% said they would, 35.6% said they would not, and 26.1% were unsure. And roughly 24% planned to leave the field soon, either retiring (16%) or quitting before retirement eligibility (8%).

On the other hand, some 50% were pleased with their job but less so than formerly. Roughly 40% said it was so-so or worse. If you were a career counselor, could you now in good conscience recommend a police career to a young person?