Sunday, June 14, 2020

A Different Strategy

Sundance at the Conservative TreeHouse offers an insight I've not seen elsewhere concerning the current crankiness of the generals with the President, and attributes it to author Diana West.
President Trump’s preferred use of economic warfare makes the Pentagon’s role diminished. Instead of punching North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, President Trump hits the checkbook of Chinese Chairman Xi Jinping. The primary has become the contingency. The value of James Mattis replaced by the effectiveness of Robert Lighthizer. JC Milley isn’t in the planning room; Milley’s been replaced by Wilbur Ross (until he’s needed).

In the Trump era the President is telling the Pentagon where and when to position; and asks them for ‘contingency’ preparation. Decades of Pentagon-centric foreign policy is lessened by an entirely new geopolitical approach based on economic strategy.
This may not be the whole story, but I have to think it is a factor. From the generals' perspective, probably the worst part is that economic warfare seems to work better than the "forever wars" in Afghanistan and Iraq. Although to be fair, it hasn't worked yet with Iran. Hat tip to for the link.