Sunday, June 14, 2020

Chinese Espionage

The AAAS journal Science reports that 54 scientists have lost jobs as a result of an National Institutes of Health/FBI investigation which revealed their undisclosed ties to a foreign government.
In 93% of those cases, the hidden funding came from a Chinese institution. Some three-quarters of those under investigation had active NIH grants, and nearly half had at least two grants. The 285 active grants totaled $164 million.

The fact that 82% of those being investigated are Asian “is not surprising” because “that’s who the Chinese target” in their foreign talent recruitment programs. Some 82% are men, and their median age is 56, with the youngest being 48 and the oldest 59.
The British, German, and Swiss pharma companies should look at this issue, too. I'd be interested to know how many of those caught were coerced, how many were PRC patriots, and how many were simply greedy. The bottom line: import fewer Chinese scientists. Hat tip to for the link.