Friday, June 26, 2020

Who Were the Protesters?

Pew Research Center looked at the ethnicity of those attending Black Lives Matter demonstrations. It turns out Blacks were a mere 17% of those demonstrating.
Black Americans account for 17% of those who say they attended a protest focused on race or racial equality in the last month, compared with their 11% share of all adults in the survey. Hispanic Americans account for 22% of recent protest attendees, versus 15% of all adults. The difference is less pronounced but still statistically significant when it comes to the share of protesters who are Asian (8% vs. 5% of the adults surveyed). While 64% of U.S. adults are white, just 46% of those who said they attended a protest focused on race in the last month are white.
African-Americans - the group whose mistreatment the demonstrations were about -  didn't turn out in overwhelming numbers. The largest ethnic group represented (Whites) was the group supposedly doing the oppressing.

What do you conclude from the above data? Beaucoup white guilt? Young whites blowing off steam, getting the virus lockdown out of their systems? Virtue signaling on steroids? How about a way to punish the parents' generation for the basement-dwelling offsprings' lack of opportunity? Some combination of those, I suspect.