Tuesday, September 17, 2019

About the Refinery Attack

Lucianne.com links to an Agence France-Presse story about the aerial attack on a big Saudi refinery. AFP quotes an unnamed U.S. official to the effect that the weapons were cruise missiles launched from Iran.

The U.S. is reportedly "gathering evidence" of this to present to the Europeans. I predict the Europeans will dither, and then wimp out en masse, except for the Brits.

Let's define terms. All cruise missiles are drones, that is unmanned planes or UAVs. Cruise missiles carry an explosive and are designed to make a one-way trip to the target. The first crude-but-effective deployed cruise missile was the Germans' V-1 used to bombard England during WW II.

Not all drones are cruise missiles however. Many are designed to accomplish one or more missions, return to base to be serviced, and be flown again, perhaps many times.

Military drones can carry weapons - rockets or bombs - which they deliver on command without (one hopes) crashing. They also are much used for reconnaissance via still or video cameras. Privately owned drones may carry a camera or are flown for sport.