Sunday, September 29, 2019

Black: Trump Wins by 20 in 2020

Conrad Black, aka Baron Black of Crossharbor, is a Canadian-born Brit newspaperman who writes knowledgeably about American politics. His work is often interesting, here appearing in the National Post, a Canadian paper he once owned and for which he still writes. His foreigner’s insight about the U.S. is interesting, you may or may not like it.
The United States is a jungle, and that is its strength and its weakness. It assures an immensely competitive Darwinian society in constant fermentation with high levels of achievement in practically every field, but it also causes inordinately large numbers of people to be ground to powder.

The land of opportunity is the place where anyone can accomplish almost anything, but there is a threadbare safety net and more than 30 million people live in poverty. It has six to 12 times as many incarcerated people as other large, prosperous democracies, including Canada.

Like all jungles, it is run, even if from a little behind the scenes, by the human equivalent of 30-foot constricting snakes and 700-pound cats. Trump’s offence, and his strength, is that he doesn’t make much effort to disguise the fact that he is a fierce, tough and often ruthless alumnus of the very tough schools of American capitalism, entertainment and politics.

The United States, by the standards of most other advanced countries, is garish and corrupt; it’s not what many Americans and most Canadians want, but it is a democracy and Americans can run their country as they please. There has never in human history been anything like the rise of America from three million colonists to overwhelming pre-eminence in the whole world in two long lifetimes (1783-1945).
His conclusion, Trump reelected by 20 points. Hat tip to Instapundit for the link.

Afterthought: Reading his column you discover Black particularly doesn’t like our U.S. criminal justice system. If you then read his Wikipedia entry (scroll down) you discover he was “bitten” by it some years ago and did 42 months “inside.”

He was pardoned by President Trump. Was Black actually guilty of something? I have no idea. What I know is he often writes interesting stuff.