Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Inside Journalism

Instapundit links to a Buzzfeed News story indicating that the daughter of Scott Johnson of Power Line, reporter Eliana Johnson, is taking over the editorship of the Washington Free Beacon from its founder, Matthew Continetti.

Johnson moves from a reporting job at Politico. Continetti, a frequent panelist on the Bret Baier Special Report on Fox News, moves to a new role as fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank.

In researching this, I learned that pro-Trump Continetti is the son-in-law of never-Trump William Kristol, founder of the former Weekly Standard. I imagine holiday dinners in that family have to be tense.

All of this reveals that the world of conservative media could be described as incestuously inbred. I have the feeling I should have spotted this a decade ago.