Friday, September 6, 2019

Meat, It’s What To Eat

What did you have for supper last night? Odds are, most of you answered with some sort of meat, singly or in a stew, casserole, sandwich, or ... I don’t know ... a taco or pizza?

Why do I ask? Because so many of the strange folk running for the Democrat nomination seem to think you need to stop eating much meat. For the sake of the planet, or some other foolishness.

Why do they want you to do that? Because like Chicken Little, they find it politically convenient to claim to believe the sky is falling, and we’re all doomed to an early death by climate catastrophe.

Meanwhile they fly around in their private jets burning tons of fuel to convince you to park your car and take the trolley. What utter hypocritical nonsense, I do hope you’re not being taken in.

Whoever wants to get between me and my next bacon cheeseburger had better come armed, ‘cause I’m likely to be downright waspish. I fully intend to keep driving my diesel pickup, eating a ribeye steak most evenings, and taking a cruise or two each year.

Someday I will die, someday you will too. So will every other human on this planet. But we’re living longer than we ever did, and healthier during that life too. The sky is not falling, the economy is booming. What’s not to like?

Meanwhile, I intend to vote for those who share my taste for living well. I hope you will too. Enjoy.