Monday, September 23, 2019


In hindsight, perhaps pundits will eventually conclude the release of tape of Trump saying something about celebrities being able to get away with grabbing star-struck women by the privates was what turned him into another “Teflon president.”

At the time it looked to be a campaign-killer. Later, troll-ugly Harvey Weinstein proved just how regrettably accurate Trump’s observation was. In a counterintuitive way, I suspect it immunized Trump against the nonstop attacks that followed.

We elected Trump knowing him to be no saint, no choirboy. In doing so, we said he was okay, if perhaps not ideal. Winning is important.

We’d tried choirboy Romney four years earlier and the sad-sack loser wimped out. He didn’t have the stones to make it happen in 2012.

Winners win, losers kvetch. Loser Mitt keeps whining like loser Hillary. Don’t you wish both would shut up and go far away?