Monday, September 30, 2019

Faking Hate Crimes: It's a Thing

Are most supposed "hate crimes" in fact hoaxes? Or is it only those which get as far as the national news? Here is the latest one, link courtesy of The story is reported by the Associated Press and appears in the New York Post.

An African-American girl,  attending a Christian school in a northern Virginia suburb of DC, last week claimed to have been held down by three white male classmates who cut off her dreadlocks. Today it is reported she has recanted and her family has apologized to the school, the boys, and the community.

There have been so many of these, it's gotten to the point where the first thing one thinks about when someone says "hate crime" is that it is a hoax. The story doesn't speculate on the girl's motive for making this serious accusation; presumably she cut off her own hair.

If you are willing to be depressed, go here to see a list of recent fake hate crimes compiled for The Daily Caller. They list 20+ fakes and admit their list is far from complete.