Monday, September 30, 2019

Four Theories

If you've been wondering why the Democrats decided to go all in with a weak hand for impeachment, Power Line's Steven Hayward has four theories to consider. You need to read them, but I'll give you a brief idea of each.
1. The Democratic 2020 president field is unbelievably weak. (snip) Hence the impeachment crusade is a hail Mary pass intended not just to whip up the Democratic base, but hopefully drive down Trump’s poll numbers.
2. If the economy holds up, Trump is the strong favorite to be re-elected. Hence the drive of the Democrats and the media to talk us into a recession. (snip) When you’re desperate for some good (bad) news, why not give it a try?
3. This is really about tying up the Senate to prevent Trump from confirming a successor to Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
4. This is payback for the Clinton impeachment. (snip) Don’t believe for a moment that the Gollum-like Hillary doesn’t want a rematch with Trump.
Hayward says it likely isn't "pick one" but rather some combination of these reasons. I still think impeachment is political masturbation, public self-pleasuring by Trump-haters who know they won't succeed but find the process orgasmic.