Monday, September 23, 2019

Discovering Nothing Has Changed

Normally left-wing site Axios went to Wisconsin to do a focus group of women who have switch voted in the past. My guess: they didn't much like what they found.
In a small, all-women focus group, some participants suggested President Trump would win on personality if the contest was between him and Warren — and that their doubts about her aren't based on substance.

These were the main takeaways from our Engagious/FPG focus group last week, which included 7 women who flipped from Barack Obama in 2012 to Trump in 2016, and 2 who switched from Mitt Romney to Hillary Clinton.

The blunt language made it clear that Warren faces the kind of obstacles confronted by many strong leaders who are women.
What a breakthrough! They discovered women don't think much of women-as-leaders. Is this news to anyone over age 25? Ask women (or men) how many of them want to work for a woman boss.