Monday, September 23, 2019


Have you saved for your retirement? Put money in an IRA or 401k or the like? Have a stock portfolio? Any or all of them are at risk in an Elizabeth Warren (or Bernie Sanders) presidency. She favors taxing wealth, and despite what she says now, that means whatever you've saved. If not immediately, eventually.

Why do you suppose almost all the big estates in the U.K. (think Downton Abbey) are owned by the National Trust? Do you think Earl This and Duke That wanted to give them up? No way. The U.K. which has socialized medicine and free university had to tax wealth to pay for them. The big houses and estates were sold for taxes.

You think it couldn't happen here? Democrats are already scheming on your savings. I'm worried that the CA government will grab my CalPERS pension contributions, imagine what mischief the Federals can get up to, with the help of a Democrat-controlled Congress.

The money you saved you earned, it's yours. The government shouldn't 'steal' it with taxes.

Why should the government have a policy that says you were a sucker to save money? That those who didn't save a red cent were the smart ones because they've nothing to lose? Who will be rewarded with free stuff for being spendthrifts during their working years.

Down that miserable road lies a fate like Venezuela and Cuba. Let's be sure we take a different path.