Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Traditional Sex Roles Passe?

Instapundit links to an article in The Washington Examiner by feminist Suzanne Venker. She writes something worth considering.
According to a new study from researchers at Cornell University, who examined data on recent marriages and found women’s ideal husband has an average income about 58% higher than the actual unmarried men currently available to single women. These optimal husbands were also 30% more likely to be employed than real single men and 19% more likely to have a college degree.

In other words, American men are no longer educated enough or rich enough to be suitable for marriage.

If traditional sex roles were truly passe, as the culture has insisted for years, women would have no problem finding a husband. If it didn't matter which sex is richer or more educated, women would be perfectly happy in the provider role and would marry any one of the countless men of lesser status who are readily available.
Could this explain why many people are marrying late or not at all? Many experts believe it.