Thursday, September 12, 2019

Debate Snark

Stephen Green, “drunkblogging” tonight’s debate. First, cracking wise about Beto O’Rourke.
Looks like Bobby, drives like Ted, speaks Spanish like me ordering fajitas.
And about Kamala Harris:
When Harris says “We need to sell our stuff,” is it wrong just how quickly my mind went to the gutter?
And Green’s conclusion at the end of three too-long hours:
This wasn't a debate. It was an over-long display of huge egos touting small ideas to well-meaning (but sadly misinformed) kids and preening celebrity infotainment newsreaders.

And yet, chances are a large number of American primary voters will make one of these jokers their nominee for the office of President of the United States.

It's a joke; it just isn't a funny one.
The Democratic Party is increasingly an asylum run by its inmates. Trump has left most of them gobsmacked.