Friday, September 13, 2019

Watch Beto Flip-Flop

The good folks at the Red State website have got Beto O'Rourke dead to rights. Last night at the debate in Houston he said “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”

However, Red State has video of O'Rourke as a candidate in Texas running against Ted Cruz for a U.S. Senate seat two years ago. A radio talk host asks him why people shouldn't own AR-15s. You can watch O'Rourke say:
“To be clear they should have them, if you purchased that AR-15, if you own it, keep it, continue to use it responsibly.”
O'Rourke will claim to hold whatever position he thinks will help him get elected. We distrust those who flip-flop because they have no fixed beliefs. We cannot estimate how a flip-flopper will react in the new circumstances that confront every president.

Fortunately O'Rourke appears to have almost no chance of being nominated, much less elected. Hat tip to Stephen Green guest blogging at Instapundit for the link.