Thursday, September 5, 2019

Comey Prosecution Favored

Power Line links to a Rasmussen Reports poll which finds substantially more people would like to see former FBI Director James Comey prosecuted, than those who don’t want him charged.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters think Comey should be criminally prosecuted for leaking to the media. That’s up from 41% in 2017 but essentially unchanged from April of last year.Thirty-five percent (35%) disagree, while a sizable 18% are undecided.
Assume most of the undecideds aren’t following the story and/or don’t know who Comey is. The balance genuinely find the claims and counterclaims confusing, or don’t wish to reveal their views.

In round numbers, about half think criminal prosecution is warranted, roughly a third think it is not, and the remaining sixth are indifferent. AG Barr either agrees with the third or thinks he’s going to have bigger, easier-to-prove charges to bring against Comey following release of the DOJ IG’s main report later this month.

In the analog idiom of the radio era, stay tuned.