Sunday, July 19, 2020


Do you remember on Friday I wrote the following?
Oregon west of the Cascades is a sort of unfenced asylum for the unhinged and deluded. Expect weirdness and you'll not be disappointed.
Today comes word that eastern Oregon would like to secede and join Idaho. I don't blame them. The Washington Times has the story, hat tip to for the link.
After launching last year, Greater Idaho is collecting signatures in 15 of those counties for ballot measures that direct local officials to participate in negotiations on redrawing Idaho’s state line, a process that has been hampered by the statewide shutdown by Ms. Brown, a Democrat.

The organization filed a lawsuit June 30 in federal court to reduce the number of required valid signatures, arguing that the stay-at-home order has hampered the ability of volunteers to meet the Aug. 5 petition deadline on county ballot measures. A hearing is scheduled for Monday.
Eastern Oregon would be much happier as part of conservative Idaho. That's supposing Idaho would be willing to take them, which is far from certain. Eastern Oregon is lightly populated and somewhat arid.