Wednesday, July 8, 2020

NYPD Dispirited

New York City is experiencing a big surge in police retirements, the most recent week saw four times as many as the same week last year. The New York Post has the story.

Since George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis, 500+ NYPD cops have filed to retire. My calculations find that was 1.5% of the department's sworn officers leaving, in roughly 39 days. If that rate were to continue for the next year, NYPD would be down 13-14% of its force.

Given the reduction in their budget, it appears the retirees won't be replaced. You have to wonder how far things will have to deteriorate before New Yorkers vote in another Giuliani to clean up the mess?

Perhaps, like Baltimore and Detroit, the outmigration of decent people will pass the tipping point. Experience shows this leaves the dispirited remainder to sink further into the morass, unable to stomach a return to the "broken windows" policing their situation requires.