Thursday, July 23, 2020

QAnon - A Skeptical Overview

There is a movement afoot called QAnon - started by someone using the nom de plume Q - lurking in the shadows of the dark and not-so-dark Web. There haven’t been more than a few passing mentions in the public media so don’t be surprised if you know little about it.

Executive editor of The Atlantic, Adrienne LaFrance, has done a quite long article looking at its history, proponents (other than Q who remains anonymous) and senior acolytes, beliefs, offshoots, and the like. It is a cluster of related conspiracy theories, some of which may contain more than a grain of truth.

For example, deep state elites running child abuse rings is one of the QAnon strands. It was the motive for a misguided believer who walked into a DC pizza parlor armed with a rifle and a pistol, and shot the locks off a storeroom door, before laying down his arms and admitting he’d been misled as to what was happening there.

That man’s info was wrong concerning the pizza parlor. OTOH Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell - wealthy members of the elite who hobnobbed with ex-presidents and royalty - were no phantasm, no hallucination. They truly were recruiting, grooming, and sexually molesting a posse of underage girls including taking them across international boundaries for the purpose, a violation of the Mann Act.

LaFrance predicts QAnon may evolve into a religious movement like the Seventh-Day Adventists or the Latter Day Saints. I suspect it will absorb those who believe the Masons or the Templars, or the Illuminati are behind the world’s ugliness.

In truth, the names of those screwing up our world are no secret, they're famous and wealthy. People like, but not limited to, Gates, Bezos, Soros, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Ellison and Slim.

QAnon will be sustained by the MSM’s left-wing political bias, on full view every day. When the media is viewed as propaganda instead of reportage, expect people to look for alternate sources - for samizdat - and some of these are either malicious trollware or the products of clinically paranoid minds.

In any event, expect to see more references to Q and QAnon. LaFrance‘s article is not friendly to QAnon but isn’t contemptuous either. It will give you an overview of this shadowy byproduct of worldwide connectivity.