Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Idea Catches On

Since June 1 and 19, I have been writing about the spooky parallels between the latter days of the Woodrow Wilson presidency and the current state of a potential Joe Biden presidency. In each case an impaired principal has been coached through it by a supportive spouse.

I certainly recognize the benefits of both having, and being, a supportive spouse. But we do not wish to have impaired, or de facto shadow, presidents.

Others are beginning to make this connection. For example, Stephen Green at Instapundit links to a Stephen Kruiser Morning Briefing column at PJ Media which makes this same point, albeit in a rather snarky fashion.
When Crazy Joe the Wonder Veep’s handlers first began letting him do videos from his quarantine basement, Jill was often sitting at his side, grinning like a proud mother whose idiot underachieving kid had just successfully recited the alphabet for the first time. It was, quite frankly, very creepy to watch.

The longer the Joe Biden Obvious Decline Circus is allowed to go on, the more I’m convinced that Jill Biden is a power-hungry madwoman who so desperately wants to be in the White House that she is willing to subject her husband to what has now become bipartisan ridicule.
Even the NYT's Tom Friedman is worried about Slow Joe.