Saturday, July 11, 2020

Request Denied links to a Minneapolis Star Tribune article which reports the Federal Government has denied a request by MN Governor Walz for disaster relief to rebuild 1500 buildings destroyed in the riots. Good, if true.

I hope President Trump refuses disaster aid to every city that ordered the police stand down and let the rioters burn and loot. Also refuses to aid every governor who refused to call out his National Guard to preserve peace and property.

George Floyd was killed in what appears to have been a wrongful manner by police. This is appropriately dealt with by charging the offender(s) with homicide, convicting them, and applying the usual penalties. It is possible their superiors are also negligent but that is, or should be, a civil matter unless it can be demonstrated they ordered the wrongful death.

Floyd's death is no excuse to permit justifiably angry people to destroy significant parts of every large city in the land. Those mayors and governors who tacitly condoned violence by standing down police and troops charged with keeping the peace are complicit in what happened.