Saturday, July 18, 2020

Watch a City Dying links to a Minneapolis Star Tribune article reporting that nearly one quarter of the city's sworn police officers - roughly 200 - have filed for disability payments, mostly from PTSD. Citing Ron Meuser, Jr., the attorney handling the claims:
Meuser said most of the officers starting the disability paperwork leave their jobs fairly quickly on a medical leave. The disability claims process can take up to six months.

Meuser said he thinks the city faces a significant police staffing shortage. The vast majority of officers retaining him are seasoned veterans, he said, averaging about 48 years old with at least 20 years of experience.
Imagine the irony if more-or-less the whole department goes out on disability, crippling the city with lifetime disability benefit payments. This would leave Minneapolis in the "no police" situation the city council claims to want.