Sunday, July 12, 2020

Don’t Reward a Tantrum

I write this Sunday morning to share a concern I have regarding the Nov. 3 election. Others have written similar things, I’m too lazy to look them up and cite them.

My concern is that people will be so tired of all the #NeverTrump hysteria, Cancel Culture crap, impeachment hearings, riots, and generalized anger being exhibited by nearly every organ of the media, the arts, academia, and anyone else with a soapbox, that they will vote for Joe Biden just to get some peace.

And I believe this is the intent of those generating the unpleasantness. I imagine them thinking if we make enough noise, exhibit enough anger, raise enough false claims of outrageous motives and behavior, people will be so hassled they’ll vote for Sleepy Joe so we’ll shut up. And if it works as they hope, they’ll be rewarded for their mischief and do it again to the next GOP president.

Because you and I and everyone else knows if Sleepy Joe is elected the entire collection of cultural expression outlets will roll over and play dead for four years, minimum. Peace will reign, all will be sweetness and light, however he manages to botch the job, we’ll never hear about it.

We know this because we never heard about all the screw-ups of his mentor. Barack Obama was a genuinely poor president but the press covered for him and told us everything was okay. It wasn’t, but nobody bothered us with the sordid details.

And we know we’d get the same bland “everything’s okay storyline” about a Biden administration. I worry that the prospect of this will be enough to make the difference for Biden, and I worry that it is no accident things turned out this way.

It is important not to reward childish tantrum behavior, for that is what this is.  We seriously need another “this is the flight 93 election” wake-up call. Sadly I’m not the one to write it, this is my feeble attempt.