Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Let’s Call Their Bluff

Fox News and other sources are reporting several prominent TV and press figures claiming all Trump voters are “racists.” This raises an interesting question for those individuals.

What do they do if he wins a majority of the the votes in November? What if substantial minorities of non-White voters also vote for his reelection?

Can they justify staying in a country a majority of whose voters they believe are racists? Might they not feel the need to emigrate? Nah, that is a bridge too far.

Has any gottverdammt public progressive ever made good on a threat to emigrate? Since Charlie Chaplin went home to England, I mean? Not that I’ve ever seen.

When the chips are down they want to stay here, whining all the while. They apparently conclude it is worth their being miserable to stay her making us miserable too.