Friday, July 3, 2020

What Worries Hymowitz

Interesting material frequently finds its way into City Journal. Today an interview with Kay Hymowitz who often writes for CJ, and in response to a question about what worries her most in today's America, she replies:
I worry most about the profound disenchantment of the younger generation. Recent college and high school graduates have been educated, if that’s the right word, to think of the United States as uniquely unjust. Firsthand experience with two steep recessions and the shaky promise of a college education in an era of diminishing career possibilities will provide seeming confirmation of those lessons.

Young Americans were already delaying marriage and children, and our fertility rate is at record lows—as is trust in the future. The combination of nihilism about the future and ignorance of history is a dangerous one.
Some have found their way into Antifa, others have become alt right or white supremacists. The balance are apathetic, a sort of latter-day "lost generation." None of these reactions is in any way a useful response to their plight.