Friday, July 17, 2020

Positive Factors

Polls show most people support the police, oppose defunding or shrinking them. Research we cited earlier shows that when demonstrations turn violent voters swing toward Republicans. Now the National Association of Police Organizations has endorsed Trump, after endorsing Democrats in 2008 and 2012.

Do you begin to see a pattern here? If, as anticipated, urban disturbances continue throughout the summer, it has to help Trump’s reelection effort, especially with men.

If we can also convince educated white women of Biden’s intent to destroy safe suburbs, these two factors should do the trick. Biden has said he will toughen the AFFH by withholding federal highway maintenance funds from communities which stubbornly retain single family housing zoning.

There goes your cottage with a mortgage and a picket fence, replaced by apartment blocks full of people with no skin in the game. Do we want to be a nation of renters? Hasn’t Covid-19 shown that high density living is dangerous?