Monday, July 20, 2020

Resistance a Given?

Power Line's Paul Mirengoff writes that he isn't at all sure the losing side in November's election will accept the winner as "legitimate," regardless of who wins. He makes an argument that losing Trump voters would be as likely to view Biden as a fraud as Democrats would view a reelected Trump.

It is a concept I've not seen elsewhere, and I need to think more about it. We already know Democrats will never accept Trump - they haven't so far. Mirengoff believes most Trump voters would never accept Biden and whichever nonentity became his VP.

As long as control of Congress remains split between the two parties, not much change will be possible. Suppose, however, that Democrats have control of both houses and the presidency, Mirengoff writes:
First, what if Democrats gain control of Senate, abolish the filibuster, and grant citizenship and the right to vote to 15 million illegal immigrants, thereby making it nearly impossible for conservative candidates to prevail in national elections and in most congressional ones? Second, what if Democrats impose radical gun control measures, including confiscation — a real possibility if, as many Democrats contemplate doing, they pack the Supreme Court?

In either scenario, I suspect that many conservatives will resist in one serious form or another.
Since most NRA members are conservatives, how do you suppose that scenario will play out? And whose side would the police and the military take? These are questions the answers to which we'd probably rather not learn.

Our choices might boil down to a Czechoslovakia-style velvet divorce, or a Bosnia-style bloody civil war. I don't relish either.