Monday, July 27, 2020

Pay Attention!

I’m confused. I see reports like this and this, from people who should be listened to, who claim hydrochloroquine, in combination with some other meds. is a great treatment for Covid-19.

I also see reports that it has no benefits whatsoever, from equally reputable sources. Both cannot be true.

Leave Donald Trump out of it, he’d be the first to admit he’s no pharmaceutical expert. How can there be reputable scientific reports that point in totally opposite directions? Can somebody please explain this in ways an intelligent layman can understand?

Are some (or all?) of these people lying or are the ways and combinations in which the drug is administered crucial in its success or failure? These questions badly need answering and nobody seems to notice or care that credentialed experts are on all sides of this issue.

Let me be an academic for a moment, what is needed is a meta-analysis of all the rigorous studies reported in reputable sources so far. Somebody with the relevant expertise (that lets me out), get busy and do it.