Thursday, July 2, 2020

Remember Hydrochloroquine?

Instapundit links to a story in The Detroit News which reports research done locally on hydrochloroquine and Covid-19.
A Henry Ford Health System study shows the controversial anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine helps lower the death rate of COVID-19 patients, the Detroit-based health system said Thursday.

The study analyzed 2,541 patients hospitalized among the system’s six hospitals between March 10 and May 2 and found 13% of those treated with hydroxychloroquine died while 26% of those who did not receive the drug died.

We attribute our findings that differ from other studies to early treatment, and part of a combination of interventions that were done in supportive care of patients, including careful cardiac monitoring.
Some entities in Michigan refuse to use the anti-malarial drug, the article reports.

Later ... Writing for Just the News, Sheryl Attkisson reports this HFHS research has been published in the peer-refereed International Journal of Infectious Diseases. For those who don't know, "peer-reviewed" means we should pay additional attention to the findings. Scientists in the field not involved in doing the research have examined the report and find it worthy.