Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Thinking About Social Class

Check out a Paul Mirengoff column for Power Line. He looks at the thesis that much of the unrest troubling our cities is the result of "class struggle, albeit of a peculiar kind." Do yourself a favor and go read the column.

Our universities are overproducing people trained to occupy jobs in what Joel Kotkin calls "the clerisy." When they graduate and don't land the 'professional' jobs they believe they merit, they start thinking capitalism sucks because it didn't come up with the expected glossy job offers. Defunding the police means transferring monies and positions to social welfare and diversity enhancement programs which are arms of the clerisy.

I have to admit I find social class explanations useful in understanding society. In so many ways the anti-Trump feelings among the educated come from his demonstrated identification with blue collar people and their concerns.

Much of the angry heat which is directed at Trump is because he is perceived as a "class traitor." Instead of coming across as a polished, urbane "old money" upper-upper, Trump is perceived as a hyper-successful "new money" upstart who never learned the secret handshake.