Tuesday, July 7, 2020


I have to admit I've always found it curious, even odd, that we had major military installations around the country named for Confederate generals. Renaming these makes plenty of sense to me.

A pretty good argument can be made for razing the Confederate war memorials too. Monuments to losers, however brave, aren't common.

I expect even most dyed-in-the-wool Southerners, at this late date, are reconciled to, and even happy with, the preservation of the Union. Until recently, it has turned out remarkably well.

And if people want to rename the Chiefs, the Braves, and the Redskins, even though most Native Americans find them unobjectionable, why not? It's an excuse to sell a whole bunch of replacement team logo merchandise.

None of this stuff is going to help Black Americans even a little, when it happens or later. But if it helps white virtue signalers feel good, go for it. It's no skin off my nose.

However our founders - Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Franklin - accomplished so much good while not living up to the standards of our society 200+ years later. They were good men, albeit imperfect as are we all. Destroying their statues is just vandalism.

Afterthought: What moral precepts will exist 200 years from now, do you suppose, that today we violate blithely?