Saturday, July 25, 2020

Responding to Lasers

The White House has announced three of their police sent to Portland have been blinded by lasers zapped into their eyes by the rioters. The likelihood of the perps ever being inside of a jail for it is near zero.

Blindness is no joke, it's not a bruise or broken bone to get over and shrug off. Ugly as this is, it's history, there is no undoing it.

On the other hand, the feds should announce that if in future a laser shows up every fed in the area will be shooting at the person holding it with real bullets and the express intent to kill. Plus announcing it would be unwise for others to be standing near a person wielding a laser as counter-battery fire is not a precision event.

Makes you wonder if Antifa has suicidal members like the jihadis, lusting for martyrdom? My guess is no. Or if they're willing to shoot from among a cluster of women and children like the Palestinians do. I'd believe they would do this, to create sympathetic, if unwilling, martyrs.