Sunday, July 5, 2020

Our Media Intentionally Misleads

Did you see the video of a car ramming a couple of BLM protestors on a freeway in Seattle, killing one? Did you presume it was done by a white angry about their protest? I know I did.

As David Bernstein blogging at Instapundit notes, you have to go to an Australian source to learn this:
The suspect was later identified as Dawit Kelete, a black man from Seattle who studied business and commerce at Washington State University between 2011 and 2017.
The quote is from ABC which, in this case, stands for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Isn't it odd that U.S. sources didn't report the perp's race? They didn't want to confuse the narrative line.

Actually, racism may have been the motive, as the driver was Black and both victims were white. Some sources report he is from northeast Africa (Ethiopia/Eritrea), he probably entered on a student visa.