Saturday, July 25, 2020

Good and Hard

Blogging at Instapundit, regular Ed Driscoll links to an Andy Ngo article in the New York Post. Ngo, you may remember, has been a regular reporting on the Antifa riots in Portland, OR.

The article quotes an anonymous Portland cop, whose comment should be the city's epitaph:
We’re at a point where none of us knows what to do. Some are thinking we just need to give the vocal minority and the politicians what they want: We go away and let the city burn.
Brutal as that sounds, it would be karmic. Somewhere some city will experience this abandonment, and Portland has certainly earned the 'honor' of being the object lesson.

The people of Portland appear to know what they want, and as H.L.Mencken famously said of such people, they "Deserve to get it good and hard."