Saturday, November 18, 2023

Remembering Steve

Among today’s The Week in Pictures items is this Planet of the Apes/Bob’s Big Boy spoof. For me it brings back memories from long ago.

During my first full-time university teaching job, my student assistant was a happy lad named Steve. He was a married ex-Navy corpsman who’d gone in harms way with the 5th Marines in Nam. Steve told amazingly gruesome stories, for example while assisting surgeons in the operating tent, he saw live worms crawl out of a transected piece of shot-up bowel.

He and his wife, a former Navy nurse, were living in the same apartment building as me and my bride - a school teacher yet to do her PhD. We became friends who stayed in touch after he graduated and they moved east. Sadly, I’ve outlived him.

Steve was short and stocky, he resembled the Bob’s Big Boy iconic character all grown up, minus the checkered overalls and giant hamburger. We see the iconic statue in our travels and remember our friend Steve.