Tuesday, June 2, 2020

What the Numbers Show

Power Line's Paul Mirengoff quotes Heather Mac Donald writing at City Journal.
Between 2012 and 2015, blacks committed 85.5 percent of all black-white interracial violent victimizations (excluding interracial homicide, which is also disproportionately black-on-white). That works out to 540,360 felonious assaults on whites. Whites committed 14.4 percent of all interracial violent victimization, or 91,470 felonious assaults on blacks.
Then Mirengoff adds this from an FBI website:
Blacks commit around 70 percent of black-white interracial homicides.
And he concludes:
In all events, these numbers render absurd the claim that racist America is waging war against “black bodies.” When whites encounter blacks, it’s “white bodies” that are in greater jeopardy.
Is there any realistic scenario in which this "greater jeopardy" would not engender racism? I confess I cannot think of one.