Wednesday, August 7, 2024

A Failure of Leadership

Concerning the anti-immigrant riots in the U.K. about which I wrote yesterday, John Daniel Davidson writes in The Federalist a succinct statement of cause and effect.

Britain’s leaders have sold their countrymen out for decades, importing an unassimilated foreign population against the wishes of native Britons. That is a recipe for social unrest, civic strife, and ethnic conflict, which is exactly what Britain’s ruling class has brought about.

The riots have been labeled “anti-Muslim” and “far-right” by the government and the corporate press, but they are really anti-immigration, and not at all restricted to the far-right. Demonstrators have been quite clear about this, chanting “stop the boats” and “we want our country back.” Those are reasonable sentiments for ordinary citizens to express about their homeland, whatever Britain’s ruling elite might say.

Analysis: True, and not so very different from how US leaders have behaved.