Friday, August 23, 2024

Toward a Trustworthy Election

Many are concerned about an honest and fair election come November. I have an idea that could help. Why not have each polling place report immediately after closing the total number of votes cast at that spot. Also have all absentee ballots counted before opening the envelopes.

Add up the total number of votes cast in the state, which should be available within an hour of polls closing. Then count the ballots, and the total cast should substantially agree with the total of (1) the number for the winner, (2) the numbers for the losers, and (3) the number of spoiled or blanks received.

Any adequate statistician can tell you within what range the two totals can vary before you know somebody has been forging ballots. That variance shouldn't be large.

This would interfere with someone waiting to know how many additional ballots are needed for their guy or gal to win, before producing the fakes.

Paper ballots are essential, of course. Voting machines should be banned, and vote counting machines must be auditable. Here in WY we use paper ballots which get machine scanned as they leave our hand.