Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Politics and Markets

Is it fair to blame some or all of the current wave of bad economic news on Biden and Harris? I believe it may be. The jobs report was disappointing, that could be firms anticipating an “iffy” economy and deciding to hold off on hiring they’d planned until the future direction from Washington becomes clearer.

The stock market just took a heck of a jolt, losing 1000 on the Dow is no small matter. A consensus of an impending recession seems to be emerging. As painful as that is, it maybe what it will take to finally wring out of the economy the final inflationary impulses. 

As long as Biden was running, a Trump administration looked likely. I don’t believe the market views a Harris administration with any optimism, she really is the loser everyone said she was before Biden bailed out. Her “honeymoon” as a candidate very likely triggered the market sell off.