Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Walz' China Involvement

MN Gov. Walz, presumptive Dem. pick to run for VP, has a long history of involvement with China during the CCP era. He and his wife organized summer trips to China for high school students, and he speaks some Mandarin. Time writes that they went there on their honeymoon.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) had a similar relationship with Russia and it has hurt his political career beyond uber-liberal Vermont. It seems reasonable to view Walz' extended involvement with China as similarly disqualifying. 

Most of us view China as an adversary and potential enemy. It will be interesting to see how the Falun Gong sympathizers at Epoch Times view his candidacy.

Later ... Lloyd Billingsley has more on Walz' China connection posted at Power Line. It goes back decades.