Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Soft Coup

Hot Air's Ed Morrissey observes that the editors of the Washington Post have conceded the Joe Biden "inner circle" concealed Joe's very serious physical and mental decline. And he adds:

What does it mean to have "worked to conceal his decline"? It means that Biden doesn't have the capacity to execute the duties of his office, which is why it had to be concealed. And if Biden can't fully handle the duties of the office, who's running the executive branch? Who is making the decisions about the exercise of presidential authority? If it's anyone not named Joe Biden, then a soft coup has taken place and the inner circle are conspirators in it, including Kamala Harris.

If we elect Kamala Harris, we will have rewarded coup plotters. That's something very unAmerican, something I don't believe we should do. Hat tip to Instapundit for the link.