Friday, August 9, 2024

The Bounce, Explained

There is a lot of talk about Democrats’ renewed optimism and sense of excitement. And why not? After all they replaced a spavined zombie as their presidential candidate with someone who can actually climb stairs, and rarely looks dazed. In their shoes, wouldn’t you be relieved and excited?

Now let’s imagine you are an Independent who wasn’t excited about either candidate, what some are calling a “double-hater.” Is it likely that you are greatly relieved by the replacement? 

Aren’t you still facing a pair of candidates you don’t much care about? What do you know about Kamala that makes her the lesser of two evils? That she doesn’t Tweet?

You lived through 4 years of Trump and life wasn’t bad. And through nearly 4 years of Biden-Harris and life has been less good in a variety of ways. 

Has Kamala, now freed from Biden’s "dominance" (sarc.), rejected his failed policies and preferences? Not a bit of it. Her selection of Walz, a China-loving prairie socialist, as VP running mate makes clear where she stands.

Truly little has changed. Kamala was going to be Biden’s VP if he won, and he wasn’t going to survive 4 years anyway, Now she gets the job sooner if the Dems win. 

Except we don’t want that, do we? We don’t want boys playing girls’ sports, using their locker rooms and loos. We don’t want child gender mutilation and open borders, pampering of felons and addicts, racial quotas for everything. And we really don’t want more inflation in our grocery and fuel bills.