Sunday, August 11, 2024


The town of Jackson, in Jackson Hole, is located less than 50 miles from our WY summer place, we get there with some frequency. In June and July it experienced wall to wall tourists, parking was quite difficult, sidewalks and cafes were crowded. Time was, this would have continued with only a slight drop off until Labor Day. 

Not this year, nor last year. Just a week and a bit into August parking has freed up, there was no wait at our cafe, and the sidewalks, while populated, could not fairly be called "crowded." There were far fewer river rafts on the Snake, too.

The other DrC, who mentored would-be public school teachers for two decades, says it's because the public schools are now starting in mid-August. They once started after Labor Day.  

People with kids in school have to schedule their vacation trips during school holidays. I wonder if the less-good job market and inflated prices haven't kept some folks home. Actually, there's no reason both factors can't be at play.

Here in the high country we have maybe 3 weeks of summer left, if we're lucky. Autumn comes early hereabouts, it is both brief and beautiful.