Saturday, August 24, 2024

Does Human Nature Exist?

If you are ready for some deep thoughts about politics and its underlying philosophy, Power Line's Steve Hayward has for you an interview-style interaction between noted conservative political philosopher Glenn Ellmers and interviewer Tom Klingenstein. I've excerpted some portions that spoke to me, to share with you; in all cases the voice is Ellmers'.

America has not been this divided since the Civil War. (snip) The Left — the intellectual class that promotes woke ideology — has come to reject the very idea of human nature. This is about as fundamental as you can get.

We have two diametrically opposed factions in the United States today — whose differences are basically theological. One side still believes in traditional morality and the importance of the family, in the founder’s Constitution, and the idea that we are born into a world we didn’t create and can’t completely control.

Woke Leftists reject all that in the name of complete individual freedom and total personal autonomy, without any limits imposed by God or nature or anything else. The role of the government, for them, is to facilitate the ability of everyone to meet their own subjective view of personal fulfillment.

A substantial portion of Americans — no one knows exactly what percentage — has become totally irrational. They are on a holiday from reality, and it is useless trying to reason with them. Another segment of the population goes along with all the woke nonsense because it’s fashionable, or because of social pressure to conform.

Trump is not a demagogue. He could have an easy, comfortable retirement playing golf all day. Instead, he is risking his life and putting in grueling days on the campaign trail. He has nothing to gain personally, so the only explanation is that he really wants to save the country from imminent collapse. 

There is more and the whole thing is truly worth reading, if somewhat long. A perfect weekend read. Ellmers is affiliated with the Claremont Institute.