Friday, August 9, 2024

About the Kursk Salient

If you are interested in the small invasion of the Kursk region of Russia undertaken by Ukraine army forces and armor, Red State has a lengthy column. It is sourced from various places which may have inside info, or may be propaganda, one being Pravda

The author styles himself  “streiff,” without the capital, and claims the Ukes have made significant gains. These include rail lines vital to supplying the Russian troops fighting in eastern Ukraine and the natural gas supply to Europe. If both are disrupted Russia will feel some pain. A former infantry officer, streiff admires the tactical skill in selecting this particular site for an incursion. 

In the longer run, Ukraine will probably not be able to hold the territory seized. This suggests doing as much damage to rail lines and gas pipelines as possible before being driven back out. Leaving a mess which takes several months to patch up will make the incursion worthwhile.

Now Putin has to look at his whole border with Ukraine with an eye to fortifying those spots with infrastructure critical to either his war effort or his prestige. This will divert troops and materiel from the front lines.