Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Research: Media Bias Moves Public Opinion

Power Line's Steve Hayward also writes books, here is a quote from his upcoming book entitled Against the Corporate Media.

[Media] bias has significant consequences, affecting both public opinion and government policy. The political scientist Tim Groseclose, employing multiple and widely accepted advanced statistical techniques of social science, concludes that the left bias of the major news media skews public opinion at least 5 points to the left of where it would be if the general public was exposed to a more balanced spectrum of news and opinions. A 5-point difference may not sound like much, but Groseclose and several other scholars working independently conclude that this skew has made a difference in a significant number of recent elections—all of them favoring the Democratic Party.

Hayward identifies his source for the above research as this:

See Tim Groseclose, Left Turn: How Liberal Media Bias Distorts the American Mind (New York: St. Martins, 2011); especially chapters 18 – 22.

We obviously understood the legacy media were biased to the left. It is good, however, when our perceptions are substantiated with research findings.