Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Saudi Analogy

Longtime readers know one of the hobbyhorses I "ride" is the decline of California. While his content runs contrary to things I’ve posted, I think you’ll be interested in what venture capitalist Peter Thiel said about CA, during an interview with Joe Rogan.

People have been saying Saudi Arabia is ridiculous, it’s going to collapse any year now. They’ve been saying that for 40 or 50 years. But you know, if you have a giant oil field you can pay for a lot of ridiculousness. I think that’s the way you have to think of California. There’s things about it that are ridiculous, but there’s something about it. It doesn’t naturally self-destruct overnight.

CA is a beautiful place with a world-beating climate and immense geographic variety, that’s their ‘oil field’ that others cannot replicate. And before the Sierra Club got a stranglehold on Sacramento, Gov. Jerry Brown’s father built the infrastructure CA still relies on. Hat tip to Stephen Green blogging at Instapundit for the link.